Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So I think the Red Sox won the Series. Can I say that baseball is now the sucky game? Not because of steroids, or salaries, but because of this bloated team and its New York counterpart. And the fact that Boston winning turned Bill Simmons into a bad writer, at least his last post about waking his daughter to see it, or some other sports cliche like that.
I didn't watch 2 minutes of Sunday night's game, after watching zero minutes of game 3 and 10 minutes of game two. The sign of where I have gone? I passed on Game 2 for a college football game between two teams I care nothing about, then didn't even think about Game 3 because ASU was trying to remain undefeated. Tack onto that I FORGOT about the game on Sunday until I encountered it thinking the Simpsons was on. Yet I knew of every NFL matchup that day.
Although I cannot turn my back totally on my first love sport, I can say that it has fallen behind football and maybe basketball as the sport I most follow. College football is having an absolutely absurd year, and the NFL has a bunch of teams beating each other up, all to get destroyed by the amazing and totally ticked off Patriots, which makes for great theater.
Anyway, I want to like baseball, but as the hottest team baseball has seen in years laid down four straight to fat-payroll Boston team while everyone else talked about the Yankees, I grew more and more discouraged. And yes, it only makes sense to think that Boston will be back and back. No curse, no character, no interest. Just a bloated payroll that can play together winning while a bloated payroll that can't gets all the talk. It is a two-team league and let's now admit...baseball sucks. Royally.

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