
Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So I think the Red Sox won the Series. Can I say that baseball is now the sucky game? Not because of steroids, or salaries, but because of this bloated team and its New York counterpart. And the fact that Boston winning turned Bill Simmons into a bad writer, at least his last post about waking his daughter to see it, or some other sports cliche like that.
I didn't watch 2 minutes of Sunday night's game, after watching zero minutes of game 3 and 10 minutes of game two. The sign of where I have gone? I passed on Game 2 for a college football game between two teams I care nothing about, then didn't even think about Game 3 because ASU was trying to remain undefeated. Tack onto that I FORGOT about the game on Sunday until I encountered it thinking the Simpsons was on. Yet I knew of every NFL matchup that day.
Although I cannot turn my back totally on my first love sport, I can say that it has fallen behind football and maybe basketball as the sport I most follow. College football is having an absolutely absurd year, and the NFL has a bunch of teams beating each other up, all to get destroyed by the amazing and totally ticked off Patriots, which makes for great theater.
Anyway, I want to like baseball, but as the hottest team baseball has seen in years laid down four straight to fat-payroll Boston team while everyone else talked about the Yankees, I grew more and more discouraged. And yes, it only makes sense to think that Boston will be back and back. No curse, no character, no interest. Just a bloated payroll that can play together winning while a bloated payroll that can't gets all the talk. It is a two-team league and let's now sucks. Royally.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A christmas idea for me.

I need this:

Monday, October 15, 2007

Another post.

This is another post as I try and figure out what to write. I have succesfully created an identity on kremster, but am still feeling this one out.
Because I am in charge. The pressure is on. So let me see where I go.
My mind today:
There is supposedly dogcrap in the bedroom of my grandfather, left by the dog of my cousin and her husband, who moved in to keep him company, and took over that bedroom. I don't like that. At all. I didn't even set foot in that blue room because it was so nice, and off limits in my mind, and here a dog is doing something I don't even want done in my own backyard, let alone the park near my house that I rarely go to.
I need to speak to my mother about this, as I have to determine where I rank in the "What the hell is going on?" list of relatives. But this mess has to be fixed. I love my grandpa way too much, and don't want to see him dealing with this. Family fights be darned. Something has to be done.
That is the first thought that came to mind. Now that I have confessed something online that I have no intention of sharing with anyone, I will see how it flies. Maybe this can be an honest blog that I will right to myself. If anyone has any desire to read it, they can.
Other subjects. No problems with the Dbacks going down. Already a successful season, and the Rockies going to the WS is a better story. I want Colorado to win it all.
I am sad for the Cards. I love being a Cards fan, and there was so much promise. Now we have an Anthem resident and a View husband taking snaps. I am still hoping for a successful season.
Al Gore partied in Scottsdale. They ate expensive food and didn't drive H3's, had fantastic deserts, and all had a nice time. The conversation was fantastic, and mainly revolved around the fact that the Heard Museum is a nice place to visit. I think.
That JD Heyworth guy on the radio probably saw a non-hybrid car in the parking lot and will harp on it. I really don't like that guy, but at least he did the "Highlight Zone". I am not especially keen on Gore either, but I am not bothered by what he is doing.

A car:
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New blog

I started a new blog. Maybe this can be a journal of my boring life. Only I will read it. If anyone else does, they are insane.
I can change that opinion later. But when I post on it I will assume the whole world is reading it, so I will make myself look awesome.